Notes on Aster and Alice’s Romantic Relationship

Relationship Dynamics

  • Aster is much more confident in public/around strangers and exudes that confidence. Alice gets nervous in such situations which is sometimes visible in her expressions/posture/movements, however she’s also easily distractible and is much less prone to nervousness while distracted. As such, Aster has learned to how to keep Alice’s attention focused on her (Aster) as well as whatever they’re doing together
  • Aster has a wider range of visible emotional cues (i.e. she’ll move her arms/body more, make stronger and more varied facial expressions, etc). Alice is ‘stiffer’ so to speak, often with more subdued expressions and movements, however her happy emotions (smiling, laughing) can break through
  • Aster will purposefully act silly sometimes to make Alice smile/laugh (and to distract her, depending on the situation)
  • Aster will purposefully get in Alice’s face sometimes (not in public) to make her blush. Despite the reaction Alice likes this

Aster’s thoughts about Alice (in her own words)

  • “My childhood friend turned girlfriend 💕 She’s cute as hell, it’s fun get up in her face and make her blush 😈 Of course I also love all the other cute faces she makes too, although when she smiles at me I’m pretty sure my soul up and leaves my body, so that’s the clear winner. Sometimes she needs a bit of a push, but I enjoy all of our adventures together, and I hope they keep on coming!”

Alice’s thoughts about Aster (in her own words)

  • “My childhood friend and wonderful partner. <3 Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky as to end up with someone like her, which, to be fair, if it wasn’t for her and Alex’s encouragement there’s no way it would’ve happened in the first place. Even though she insists that I am, I still worry sometimes that I’m not good enough for her, since I’m so quiet and tend to worry about everything (like right now). She really encourages me to do so much more than I feel I can manage on my own, and I’m hoping that’ll just get easier and easier going forward. <3 She’s also really beautiful, just thought I should mention that part. >.< Sorry for rambling, didn’t mean to go on that long.”