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View Full Size | Art by @gureight
- Other commissions of this character here
- This character is allowed to be depicted romantically with Aster. Extra details here
- Prime color for this character is orange (for single color commissions)
- This character is the twin sister of Alexander
- ⭐ = details that are difficult or impossible to see in the reference image
Physical Traits
- Feminine human; 25y
- Tall, 5’10 (178cm) to top of head (not including shoes)
- Light skin
- Lighter brown eyes
- Medium brown hair, mid-back length
- ⭐ By default hair is partially up in a ponytail (something similar to this)
- Wears glasses. Black rectangular frames (average size)
- Ponytail is held with a simple black hair tie (one of these things)
Default Outfit
- My ability to describe the dress in words isn’t very useful, so you’ll just have to look at the reference image for visual representation
- Here’s what the shoes look like in real life
- Somewhat expressive
- ‘Shy’ is a good word to describe this character
- A bit bubbly when in a positive mood, somewhat distant when in a negative mood
- More chatty when around a few people, tends to be quiet/uncomfortable around larger groups
- Hesitant, in a nervous/anxious way
- Easily embarrassed
- Often gets stuck staring off into space (just like her brother)
Likes and Dislikes
- Very Positive → Aster, Desserts, All animals
- Positive → Friends, Shopping, Fall (season), Cute things, When her plants are thriving
- Negative → Strangers, Bugs, Horror, Loud sounds, When her plants are dying
Opinions about other characters
- Thoughts about Aster?
- “My childhood friend and wonderful partner. <3 Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky as to end up with someone like her, which, to be fair, if it wasn’t for her and Alex’s encouragement there’s no way it would’ve happened in the first place. Even though she insists that I am, I still worry sometimes that I’m not good enough for her, since I’m so quiet and tend to worry about everything (like right now). She really encourages me to do so much more than I feel I can manage on my own, and I’m hoping that’ll just get easier and easier going forward. <3 She’s also really beautiful, just thought I should mention that part. >.< Sorry for rambling, didn’t mean to go on that long.”
- Thoughts about Alexander?
- “My twin brother who I’ve been around my whole life. It was nice to always have someone there, and even better someone who thought and felt in a lot of the same ways I did. In fact, when we met Aster it was a bit of a shock to me, since most of my experience up to that point was just Alex and my parents. He’s even quieter than me sometimes, but I always know he has my back, and that he always has. I’m forever grateful to have him as my brother, <3 and I’m happy that we’ve stayed close all this time.”
- Thoughts about August?
- “A friend of Aster’s who joins our group sometimes. To be honest, the first time we met I was overly afraid of him because of how he dresses, but as soon as he started talking and interacting with us it became clear that he was nothing to be scared of. <3 He’s very wacky, a bit like Aster, but that makes him fun to be around.”